
Stories path of destinies wiki
Stories path of destinies wiki

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  • ML14: Inherent Elemental Resistance - 5 Inherent Elemental Resistance - 5: This item provides a +5 Competence bonus to your Acid, Cold, Fire, and Electrical resistances., Spell Absorption - 8 Charges (Recharged/Day: 8) Spell Absorption: This effect absorbs harmful spells targeted at the wearer., Yellow Augment Slot: Empty Yellow Augments.
  • stories path of destinies wiki

    Spell points ( Enhancement bonus): +19 to +261.Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus ( Enhancement bonus).Proof Against Disease, Poison: +2 to +10.Movement: Feather Falling, Striding: +10% to +30%, Swiftness +5% to +15%, Underwater Action.ML13: Inherent Elemental Resistance - 5 Inherent Elemental Resistance - 5: This item provides a +5 Competence bonus to your Acid, Cold, Fire, and Electrical resistances., Spell Absorption - 5 Charges (Recharged/Day: 5) Spell Absorption: This effect absorbs harmful spells targeted at the wearer., Yellow Augment Slot: Empty Yellow Augments.Skills, except UMD ( Competence bonus): +3 to +19.Ability ( Enhancement bonus): +1 to +12.ML12: Inherent Elemental Resistance - 5 Inherent Elemental Resistance - 5: This item provides a +5 Competence bonus to your Acid, Cold, Fire, and Electrical resistances., Spell Absorption - 5 Charges (Recharged/Day: 5) Spell Absorption: This effect absorbs harmful spells targeted at the wearer., Colorless Augment Slot: Empty Colorless Augments.Jeweled Cloak - Cloak - Bound to Character on Equip Bound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip - End chest


    Fungus Patch just past first secret door.1 at the end for killing Malkian the Mad (Minotaur, found in the northern cave).1 optional in the maze for killing Eidolon Darkmist (Human, found in the North-east part of the maze).1 behind a secret door in the eastern cave.

    stories path of destinies wiki

  • Ransack bonus: 55 or more breakables smashed +15% Bonus.
  • Vandal bonus: 45 or more breakables smashed +10% Bonus.
  • Mischief bonus: 34 or more breakables smashed +8% Bonus.
  • Observance bonus: 1 or more secret door discovered +8% Bonus.
  • Ingenious Debilitation bonus: 15 or more traps disarmed +30% Bonus.
  • Neutralization bonus: 12 or more traps disarmed +20% Bonus.
  • Tamper bonus: 9 or more traps disarmed +10% Bonus.
  • But you you still need to kill the 3rd Agent of Madness and discover the path through the maze (opening the next three gates). You can then move on top of the maze walls directly to Malkian. It is possible to jump up the west wall in the small room before the "water gate" (where you park your hireling first, see above). The end chest will have up to 3 Ancient Giant Relic. Finish it up, grab your loot, backtrack and drop down to the chest you skipped. Head further in, the end room is just down the ramp and ahead. Save that trap for last and you can finish out from there. When you get to the path over the room of the caster, kill him but don't drop down. When you get to the overpass be careful of traps. Travel back to near the waterside tell the hire to pull that far end lever it's parked at, and when it pulls, the underwater gate will open. Travel to far end single lever near the vases park the hire at that single lever. Call the hire to your location (it'll teleport). It opens the gate opposite, (to your right) trapping the hire. Park the Hireling at the bank of levers on the left (north), and then get the hire to pull the correct lever.
  • For opening the underwater gate (if you are soloing with a hire you just need to operate 2 levers).
  • The quest is easy to work through, a small bit of logic will get you through the water gate, other than that it is pretty linear. Razor cats have a damage reduction of 10/bludgeon and have a damage shield that does slashing damage on a failed reflex save. Disarm the trap to make it safe to pull all the levers to find the correct ones. Anywhere there is more than one lever for a door, there is a trap. Work your way through the maze by pulling the correct door-opening lever and finding a couple of secret doors in the rock wall along the way. There will be a switch in the new area to open the door releasing the trapped player (or simply have the henchman teleport to you).
  • Two players (or a henchman if you're running solo) are required for this quest there are several spots where you need to flip a switch to open a gate to a new area, but doing so traps you in the room.

  • Stories path of destinies wiki